Wednesday, February 3, 2016

FFF Short Courses and other Winter happenings!

Hi there! 

The Wild Grapes from Story Time joined us in the kitchen again this week to help make pizza!
Pretty soon, we will all be pizza making experts! We are getting really good at leaving about a thumb's length of dough on the outside of the pizza to bake into the crust and we are getting really good at sprinkling cheese!

Look at this sprinkling action!

Expert chef!

Expert Chef!

This week was the first installment of our FFF short courses in the elementary program.
It was a blast! As a reminder, we had five courses offered. They were: Twingonometry with Bekah, Eggs 101 with Zach, Vermicomposting with Sally, Chicken Breeds with Corie and Extreme!! Food of the Day with Emily.

Below are some photos!
Bekah explains the difference between opposite and alternate branches!

Our first two foods in Extreme! Food of the Day were corn and beans. Corn is a monocotyledon and beans are dicotyledons. These are the two major groups of flowering plants! We discovered this by dissecting seeds of both plants!

In Eggs 101, we talked about the difference between farm fresh and store bought eggs and got to taste test! We also built hard boiled egg penguins, and some other really creative egg creations!

In Vermicomposting, we looked for worms, eggs and worm castings, fed our worms and made sure they had enough food and layers of leaves and paper. From observation, we found out that our worms haven't been eating nearly enough! We will be making sure that they are well fed so that they are healthy and happy and are producing lots of great compost for our garden in the Spring!

Corie brought in an actual chicken for our chicken breeds short course! This was, as I am sure you could guess, a total hit! We got to spend time with the chicken, which was a Buff Orpington, and learned about lots of other types of breeds as well!

A hard boiled egg penguin!

This week in the kitchen, the Deltas made Sambar, a lentil-based vegetable stew based on a broth made with tamarind with Chef Zach. 
It is a very popular dish in South Indian cuisine. This stew is something that could very likely be served every day for hot lunch in India! 

Thanks for checking in on another FFF post! 

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